Nov 15, 2023
This year has been eventful with an improved website and plans for an exhibit at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, OK January 4-7, 2024.
November 15, 2023
RRCA Members,
This year has been eventful with an improved website and plans for an exhibit at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, OK January 4-7, 2024. These new sources and opportunities should help to advance the exposure of our breed in 2024.
Nominations for the Board will be sent out in January 2024, be sure to be on the look out for those and take some time to talk to those who will be running. The ability to vote for representatives is the way members have a voice in the direction of the association, so take advantage.
Our secretary has been working on securing grant money to build an online registry. As with all government actions the wheels are turning slow, but it is underway and should be an additional asset soon.
We have had good growth this year with animal availability being our biggest hurdle. I know of many producers who have incorporated embryo transfer into their programs. This should help exponentially expand numbers. If you are interested in adding this to your operations, you can contact Becky, or I and we will be glad to talk to you about the requirements.
I will be hosting our next meeting on Saturday April 13 in Higgins, TX at the school gym. Lunch will be at noon with the meeting starting at 1:00. Please plan on attending, and I will be glad to show you around my operation anytime before or after.
So, to recap:
- Check out our new website, www.romagnola.net
- Come by OKC the first of the year to help represent the Romagnola Breed.
- Be looking for Board nominations and ballots.
- Come see me in the spring!
Romagnola cattle are a great asset for the cattle industry, and I want to thank all of you for your efforts to expand our reach. I see an even brighter future for us as we go forward together exposing more producers to this outstanding breed.
Arba Word President – RRCA